Tuesday, July 8, 2008

charley showed me shanghai kiss tonight. we almost watched ping pong! but anyways. probably not the best of movies, but one of those that kinda sucker punches me. who am i kidding... i cry in almost every movie :P no but really! this one's for those who look for the juno-esque witty one-liners and delight in quirky sayings (fewer and farther between as the movie goes on though), within the tired, horribly wrung out plot of self-hating asian learning to appreciate more of self. oh well. he's witty, at least :D

in other news: visited dianna this past weekend! cute seeing her famfam (joyce is right, they DO make you happy!!! ^^) and awesome hanging out with her plus others. :)

parents are in vietnam from hk and china with paternal grandma... got a call yesterday! prayers please..
it's so weird not being able to reach them anytime you want. sad. perhaps only charley really left the nest... but at least our family split up in pairs this summer. hooray charley :)

every time i talk to my grandma, she says "you're such a smart girl... keep studying to be a doctor!.. have you eaten yet?... you're a good girl... what time is it there.. shouldn't you be sleeping?? ok my hearing is bad... goodnight!"

my computer doesn't do (hasn't done..) internet in the apartment for some strange strange reason tsk tsk. oh well. isolation might be good for studying! and studying can make a person so antisocial and... isolated.

sheesh why am i blogging so late?! perhaps i just want to see some people talking to me next time i log into blogspot ;) what a shameless plug haha ^^ time to run away before the shame strikes. ew i don't even know if i can read this next time i log in... peace!

hope you all are doing well. :) i miss y'all


Jerry said...

hahaha way to say a lot of nothing...

=) jk, everyday life can be just as interesting as the exciting bits.

Fizzle said...

studying really CAN be a lonely venture... but glad to hear you are still meeting up with people =)