Sunday, April 20, 2008

weekend wind down

perhaps distracting working peers while sitting in the bschool is not the best of ideas hehe :P


hello. this is the first real post in here! before anything happens, perhaps it's time to explain this blog's name.

jing<--chinese name= quiet

gin<--a spirit


many thanks to joyce and dennis as well as the acquaintance with the song "love is like a bottle of gin" teehee ;)

i think i'm still kind of wary about putting posts up about my life. sometimes i overthink the implications of posting things and end up not putting anything up at all. then again, i guess it's okay to be vulnerable now and then... :P

this weekend was incredibly packed with lessons from the more unexpected places. joint worship for friday fellowship happened, and seeing beloved freshies put themselves out there for the purpose of worship was incredibly moving ^^

joyce's friends came down! they became pretty amazing after we opened up a tiny bit. i think i've found that glimpsing even a small amount of the less visible character of other people leads to more positive interaction :) we went to the art museum (some for the first time) on saturday. mm art ^^ i wish i had more time to spend walking around and appreciating like that. good thing my current schedule is so amaazeeeng :D

and as incredible as i think grace fellowship is, i finally realized that no fellowship is ever perfect. i know i should've realized this earlier, but it's hard to see bad when things seemingly go well. i guess that answered some prayers about seeing things more clearly... and brought people closer together :) i also learned more of how differently people see situations and my need to question things MORE, defend myself less, love others more, and perhaps read the book of James more deeply. taking dan's lesson on debriefing to heart, a few of us debriefed on the events of this weekend and i think it was good. it's bad to push problems to the back of your mind because they will always come back and attack you at the most inconvenient times, like an angry ex-spouse. hehe :P i think i'm going to leave that bad metaphor in out of spite ^^ anyways... it feels good to bring unspoken concerns to attention and reason through them.

perhaps the biggest lesson i learned this weekend was how much we need prayer. as agreed with joyce, we need to pray about so many things. there are so many uncontrollable factors about so many situations that i still seek the driver's seat in, but maybe it's time i start praying to release those aspects to God. those unspoken problems/ concerns probably would not have had such a negative impact on me if i had done so :) hope for the future!

in other news, i am rather bummed about this summer and my lack of planning ability. it turns out that due to graduation+junior jumpstart+mcat classes, i probably won't get more than a week at home with my beloved famfam T.T

1 comment:

Jerry said...

to see stressful and disagreeable events as difficult, yet good, is pretty important. =)